What I Love About You at 10
- Your willingness to be a gopher and assist with anything... anytime. You've been able to direct care for Abby since you were three.
- Watching you think. You're so much like your mama and I was always called a thinker growing up.
- Seeing how you react to situations and knowing what is going through your head because it's so much like me
- Those rare moments when you get talking. You're so introspective and such an internal processor that it often takes awhile for you to be ready to talk about stuff that's going on.
- Your willingness to allow so many people into your life and accommodating new friends so easily
- You are so easily amused just like your parents! We have so much fun doing the simple things in life! Building a fort or going for a bike ride energizes you!
- You love to go anywhere. You're always game for an adventure!
- I love the way you care for your little sister. You can not only care for her, but you also genuinely enjoy playing with her
- You are soooo very logical. You've spoiled us with how easily logic speaks to you.
- You've started to enjoy reading and I love the fact that you will sit and read without being coerced
- Your acceptance of this crazy life in such stride
- I love that you see kids with disabilities and it doesn't even phase you. I remember you sitting next to a friend who has seizures while his alarms were going off with one. I ran into the room to make sure you were okay and not traumatized by watching the seizure. I was trying to be nonchalant and ask if it was his first seizure today, and without skipping a beat you said completely calmly, "No, it's his second, I think." You amaze me!
- Your love of the kitchen and cooking with me or on your own. You can already make so many things from scratch. A new show on TV has spiked your interest. It's called Master Chef junior. It's kids from 9 to 13 competing in a cooking competition.
- You adore your Daddy and love to go anywhere with him.
- You love an art project. Anything crafty peeks your attention which is fun for me since I like random stuff too!
- Your favorite position in softball is "my turn on the bench". Although I wish we shared this, it's super funny and we had to be different in some way :)
- Your sense of style and wanting to do the opposite of what I pick out, but then again turn around and love Abby's outfits (which I pick out entirely)
- You love to see the doctor and dentist. You often ask when your next appointment is :)
- Going on a date with you! Love to just hang out. It's just so easy and fun!
- You are so easily amused... just like me! We can turn anything into an event and you've learned to do it with MA too!
- Your adoration for your baby sister. You love, love, love baby Millie! I never thought you would enjoy her so much as you've not been a baby lover until now.
- Your growing patience and responsibility with Abby. You're an extra pair of hands and you're gaining competence and enjoying her now more and more.
- So much of what excites me in this life, excites you!