My poor Belle was out of school almost a whole week with a fever over 102 degrees and a dreadfully sore mouth. The first couple of days she simply seemed to have a bug where she seemed fine during the day, but suffered from a high fever in the evenings. A few days later the fever persisted throughout the day and sore gums accompanied the fever leaving us to assume her molars were coming in as two were just appearing and the other two well swollen. A day later I begged her dentist to take a look as he determined an infection from the molars emerging. He gave her antibiotics and prescribed a peroxide/water mouthwash a few times a day (it seemed simple, but was pure torture to her). A couple days later her entire mouth seemed red and swollen without improvement, so we went to the pediatrician who said it was a viral infection that would go away in five to eight days. As we were on the 7th day and seemingly improving, albeit slightly, this all made sense. She was pitiful uncomfortable for the better part of a week, but on the bright side I so enjoyed having her around with me and MaryAlice! I send her to school for her benefit alone right now. If she didn't love it so much, it would be an easy decision to keep her home with us.
Look at the honey. I had to take some pics, so we could document our tough girl. She's such a lightweight when it comes to injuries, but crazy tough when it comes to any sicknesses. She has been known to wake up in the middle of the night, go to the toilet to vomit and then come tell me. She was no less amazing during this sickness. What a trooper!
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